Friday, February 21, 2014

Tips for Managing Money for Family with Low Income

Money management often times can be so difficult for family with low income; even family with substantial income too often times find it challenging to manage their income. You’ve work so hard, do all you can do to earn more money but your income can still be categorized as low income because it is never sufficient to cater for all your family needs.
Tips for Managing Money for Family with Low Income 
I know it is so much harder managing your income when you don’t make so much compare to when one make much money, but no matter how hard it is, setting your priority right can give you much relief and control over how you manage your income and be able to fend for your family.
Learning to manage your money will always give you the opportunity to handle unforeseen circumstances that you never expected it will happen. At any time, things can come up that need your financial input; you will only be financial stuck if you’ve not prepared for the unexpected, to save yourself and your family out of such financial incapacitated, you need to know how to manage your income, no matter how small it may be. [Read; Teaching children how to save money]
These few tips for managing money for family with low income can give you some leeway on how to go about it.

You need to live below your mean

Getting it right here will go a long way in helping you to manage your income, not because your income can afford to buy an iPhone should necessarily mean you should go for iPhone, instead, look for some other low priced phone that can do the basic things a phone does and make your purchase. Don’t go overboard in the manner at which you spend that meager income on things that is above it, remember you have some other family responsibility, spend wise and have some savings for future purpose.

Keep track of what you do make every month

It will be a lot better if you know actually what you make every month and this will enable you to know how you budget for things. It will also help you not to overspend your income on unnecessary things. So, when you know your budget, you’ll be able to plan for the amount you need to save, the amount you need to spend for kids upkeeps, and the whole of the family.

Prioritize your spending

Knowing what to buy first when your income arrives or knowing what you should first think of like paying bill will not put you under much pressure when you prioritize your spending. Bills, rents and insurance often times take the front seat when prioritizing your spending, set them off and spend the rest money on other things you need at that month and not what you want.

Be on the lookout to shop for deal

This will also help you to spend wisely, be on the lookout and shop for deal; it will help you save some little money, just look for items on sales and make your purchase. In situation like this, at time, you don’t need to go for brand, there are other products that match quality for qualify with brand and that are of low price. If you go for brand, you’re going to pay for the branding. The active ingredients in some other products are just the same with that of the branded products, so always look for a deal.

Shop for value too

Shopping for deal does not necessarily mean you should go buy products that won’t last as expected; you need to shop for value too in those products you need to buy. Inasmuch as you want to save part of your income to be able to offset other important things, go for deal that has value and that will last for many years.
All of these tips look simple, it isn’t it? But the actual fact is that not many people try them out, even though they are aware of some of these tips on how to manage their money as a family person with low income. Well! Above all, when managing your income, try to be calm and work according to your goals in other to manage your income effectively. [Also read; Family insurance and its importance]

Read the original post and more here

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