Monday, March 3, 2014

Madness! Mke na mume wazunguka huku wakivunjiana vitu mwilini huko India.

Yaani kuna mambo mengine mtu ukikaa na kuyatafakari, hakika hupati jibu. Hebu angalia kituko kilichofanywa na wanandoa hawa wa nchini India. Mimi binafsi sijaelewa nini maana ya kitendo hiki. 

Hebu soma mwenyewe hii habari kama ilivyoandikwa na wenyewe.

Lol all kinds of crazy things happening...This husband and wife team in south-east India make a living out of breaking things on eachother (Though looks like all the breaking is happening on the woman's body lol) daredevil routine based mostly around slicing coconuts.
Bhramaramba Budati lets her husband smash and slice different objects especially coconut  on her body when she performs in villages across her native Andhra Pradesh region.
More photos below..