Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My dear fellow women, will you be able to try this Snail Beauty Treatments ? Me I can't ooh!

I copied it from somewhere....

I have been obsessed with beauty products from a young age.Really bad I know! But, for about two years now, I found a new obsession with natural skin care procedures.Last week, I decided to attend the Beauty Africa Exhibition Expo at Eko Hotel in Lagos.. I happened to walk  during the session of a gorgeous beautician (Gosh I hate that I've forgotten her name.)She said she was 50 and didn't look it one bit...No wrinkles, her hands ,soft and supple and she had the richest dark skin I had ever seen.

While I  listened to her natural beauty tips and took some notes,I heard her say "Snails"...The gasps from those in attendance said it all.
Yes..She said snail slime smooths out wrinkles,tightens the face and removes impurities..Infact she kept gushing about the wonders of snail treatment on the face..

That wasn't going to be a problem.All I needed to do was go buy some live snails,extract the slime and apply on my face for an hour,wash off and viola...My face instantly lifted..As she said with that,you have an instant face lift equal to botox..

I was just about to rush out when I heard her say,and remember, the most effective is when you let the live snail crawl on your face...
Ewwwwwwwww arrrrrhhhhhggg whooouuuuuuuuu the crowd echoed ..

The thought of those slimy creatures,crawling on my face all in the name of sucking out impurities was not imaginable..
On a second thought,beauty is pain right? I have seen ladies do worse for beauty, even having snake massages(yep! Leave that for another day)...It can't be worst than vampire facials,or botox injections..

I decided to do some research on it before trying it out .Many have attested to it's potency..I finally bought my snails last night..Looking at them carefully bringing one up to my face,with trembling hands I said a silent prayer..Hoping this is the beginning of a beauty romance between my face and slimy snail..

I closed my eyes and dropped the first one.I screamed silently and it stuck to my face..5 minutes later, I removed them,left the slimy residue for 2 more hours ..
When I washed my face with warm water and salt for disinfection,I smiled at the results..It did work.But was it worth it ? Well, let's just say,any day I'm up to it.

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